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We are working hard to improve the lives of orphans and the conditions in which some of them live. Some children live in appalling conditions and survive through childhood without many prospects for their future. This has an effect on their well-being throughout their adult lives, impacting their productivity and contribution to society. We want to change the status quo – giving these children a secure foundation, stability, and quality education, amongst other things, needed to develop and grow into God-fearing adults. To do that, we have started building a new orphanage at Tagaytay City of Cavite province in the Philippines, where the children will grow within the family context with the dignity and care every child needs. To help us bring this to fruition, we need to raise funds to complete this orphanage, making it as comfortable and cozy as possible for the children and helping them feel at home.


We need your help to raise funds for the building. We started the construction last year. The Lord has provided us with 1250 square meters of land, which will give a family home to over 200 orphaned and street children. We are currently working on the grounds of the building, making it safe for the children. To help with the construction, we need to raise approximately $50,000; that is where you can help.


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Solid Rock Baptist Church of Calgary


950 Queensland Dr SE #408 & #410, Calgary, AB T2J 6J4
Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Worship Service Schedule

Sunday Morning Worship – 1:00 PM
Sunday Evening Worship – 5:00 PM
​Wednesday Midweek Service – 7:00 PM



+1(403)-973-5746 OR
+1 (403) 463-8721

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